The majority of Iranian people: Clinton or Trump, it doesn’t matter
The majority of Iranian people: Clinton or Trump, it doesn’t matter
11/6/2016 10:58:37 PM


Iranian Student Polling Agency (ISPA) affiliated with Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research (ACECR) conducted a telephone survey of citizens all over the country from Oct. 31 to Nov. 2. The survey asked the opinion of 1,600 people about the US elections. The sample consisted of 50% male and 50% female. The average age of respondents was 38 years. 64% of them had a diploma or lower degree and about 36% had college education. 75% of the sample were living in urban areas and about 25% were in rural areas.

According to the poll results, 79% of respondents said they follow the US election news little or very little. Only 9% of respondents followed the US election news much or very much. About 11% said they somewhat follow the election news. The survey asked respondents about the US presidential candidates; about 38% of respondents knew that Trump was one of the candidates and 42% knew that Clinton was one of the candidates. A total of 37% of the respondents correctly pointed out both candidates. 54% of those with college education and 27% of those with a diploma or lower education level correctly pointed out both candidates. 44% of men and 30% of women knew both candidates. 41% of people in urban areas and 26% of people in rural areas were familiar with the US presidential candidates.

The following questions were asked of those who correctly pointed out the name of one candidate. They were asked to predict the results of the US elections. 68% of respondents said Clinton will win against 14% who said Trump will be the winner. 18% said they do not know which one will win.


The survey also asked people’s comments about the winner candidate and their impact on Iran. 35% said it would be better for Iran if Clinton gets elected. 5% said it is better for Iran if Trump wins, and 52% said neither of them will make a difference for Iran. In response to this question, 8% said they did not know which one would be better for Iran. 

درباره ایسپا
مرکز افکارسنجی دانشجویان ایران (ایسپا) وابسته به جهاد دانشگاهی در راستای توسعه علمی و تحقیقاتی کشور و با قصد رفع نیاز سازمانها و نهادهای تصمیم گیر ، ضرورت توجه به افکار عمومی و لزوم بهره گیری از مشارکت و دیدگاههای شهروندان در بهبود و توسعه امور کشور در عرصه های مختلف، از سال 1380 فعالیت خود را آغاز کرده است.
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