The newestnational pollof Ispa was published; the Iranian peoplewant tocontinue the work of Bashar al-Assad, Frenchincidentresult of Western politics
The newestnational pollof Ispa was published; the Iranian peoplewant tocontinue the work of Bashar al-Assad, Frenchincidentresult of Western politics
8/20/2016 6:43:14 PM

According the report from the Public Relations of Ispa, the Iranian Students Polling agency (Ispa) related to the University Jihadassess the public opinionaboutsomecurrent issuesof the country andthe regioninits newestnational poll. In recent days, this pollwas conductedwith a sample sizeabout4,300persons and multi-stagesamplingin the country. About 51percent of persons were maleand49percent of themwere women. The 40percent of remaining persons havecollege educationand60percenthavea degree in diplomaandunder diploma. This pollhas been donein the provincial capitals, 2nd grade cities andvillages.
On the part ofpoll of public opinion, it is discussedabout theevents in Syria. First,respondentswereaskedto what extentthey listen and pursue the news about theevents in Syria. In this regard,about 52percent of the respondentshave admitted that theylisten tonewsof events in Syrialess and much less. About 25percent of personssomewhatlisten and pursue the news,and23 present of them also listen and pursuethe news of events in Syria much and very much. In addition,two main viewsregarding theevents in Syriawere presentedtorespondents and they were askedto respondwhichone of view they are agreeing with. About 62percent ofrespondents whofollowsomewhatmuch thenewsof Syria believe to continue the workof Bashar al-Assadandthen hold election by him, and about 37percentof persons arebelievedtodeposePresident Basharal-Assadandthenhold elections. Those whohavea college educationandthose whoare indiplomaand under diplomadegree havea similar viewon theevents in Syria.
Butinanother part of thepoll, it was discussedabout the public opinionon recentterrorist attackin France. About 68percent ofrespondentswere awareofthis incidentand 32 percentdid not heardabout it. In thisrelation, persons who had heardthis story were asked “in what extent do you know that Pariseventand similar eventsare result ofthe policies ofWestern countriesin the Middle East?”  In this regard, 57 percent of respondents know Parisincidentand similar incidents inthehigh and very highextent from result of the policyofWestern countriesin the region, and 22 percent of persons know the incidentsomewhatrelated to policies ofWestern countriesin the region. The interesting thingisthat those whohavea college educationknow Parisincidentresult ofWestern policies in thearea more thanothers.

درباره ایسپا
مرکز افکارسنجی دانشجویان ایران (ایسپا) وابسته به جهاد دانشگاهی در راستای توسعه علمی و تحقیقاتی کشور و با قصد رفع نیاز سازمانها و نهادهای تصمیم گیر ، ضرورت توجه به افکار عمومی و لزوم بهره گیری از مشارکت و دیدگاههای شهروندان در بهبود و توسعه امور کشور در عرصه های مختلف، از سال 1380 فعالیت خود را آغاز کرده است.
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